Why is Node.js Crashing? A Deep Dive into a Tricky Bug

26 Oct 2015 by ggreer

In early September, we started seeing one of our backend services exit with the following error:

2015-09-10_23:28:11.75413 node: ../src/node_buffer.cc:226: v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Object> node::Buffer::New(v8::Isolate*, v8::Local<v8::String>, node::encoding): Assertion `(data) != (nullptr)' failed.

Typically, Node.js exits with a JavaScript stack trace. This error was at a lower level. Node.js was dying because of an assertion in its Buffer code. At worst, creating a new Buffer should throw an exception. This was a crash. This was a Node.js bug.

The first thing I did was look at the code containing the assertion error. This was in node_buffer.cc on line 225. I’ve included the entire Buffer::New() constructor below:

209 MaybeLocal<Object> New(Isolate* isolate,
210                        Local<String> string,
211                        enum encoding enc) {
212   EscapableHandleScope scope(isolate);
214   size_t length = StringBytes::Size(isolate, string, enc);
215   char* data = static_cast<char*>(malloc(length));
217   if (data == nullptr)
218     return Local<Object>();
220   size_t actual = StringBytes::Write(isolate, data, length, string, enc);
221   CHECK(actual <= length);
223   if (actual < length) {
224     data = static_cast<char*>(realloc(data, actual));
225     CHECK_NE(data, nullptr);
226   }
228   Local<Object> buf;
229   if (New(isolate, data, actual).ToLocal(&buf))
230     return scope.Escape(buf);
232   // Object failed to be created. Clean up resources.
233   free(data);
234   return Local<Object>();
235 }

Somehow, data was NULL. Thinking the realloc() on line 224 might have failed, I double-checked memory usage on the servers. They were not in danger of reaching any limits, and crashes didn’t seem to depend on memory usage. The service crashed while using 1GB of RAM just as often as it did while using 100MB. Dang. Not an easy fix. It was a slim hope anyways. Modern OSes don’t return NULL from malloc() and friends.[1]

The next thing I did was man realloc, to try and figure out how it could return NULL. Except for an out-of-memory condition, it wasn’t possible. Even passing NULL to realloc() returned a usable chunk of memory:

If ptr is NULL, realloc() is identical to a call to malloc() for size bytes. If size is zero and ptr is not NULL, a new, minimum sized object is allocated and the original object is freed.

There was simply no way for Buffer::New(), executed sequentially, to fail in this way. Therefore (I reasoned), the bug must be another thread modifying shared state. Probably a hard-to-reproduce race condition. Ugh. Still, I needed to fix the issue. Desiring to know more, I tried to build a reproducible test case. Annoyingly, I could only trigger the crash in production and staging, and only when copying lots of data between instances of the service. Having a lot of other stuff to do, I mitigated the issue by reducing the peak rate at which the service copied data.

A month later, Matt finally got tired of seeing crash emails. We paired to try and find the underlying cause. When I was explaining the issue to Matt, I pointed out that realloc() never returns NULL. He double-checked the docs and disagreed. When he linked to the manpage describing realloc()’s behavior, it said:

If size was equal to 0, either NULL or a pointer suitable to be passed to free() is returned.

Wait, what?! It turned out that I had run man realloc on my mac, while he had googled “realloc” and clicked on the first result. That result described realloc() on Linux. The two behaved differently, and that difference was crucial. Again, here are the relevant lines from Buffer::New:

220 size_t actual = StringBytes::Write(isolate, data, length, string, enc);
221 CHECK(actual <= length);
223 if (actual < length) {
224   data = static_cast<char*>(realloc(data, actual));
225   CHECK_NE(data, nullptr);
226 }

If realloc() returns null, actual must be 0. If actual is 0, StringBytes::Write() must have returned 0. But to get to line 220, length must be greater than 0. How could this happen? Well, length is only set on line 214:

214 size_t length = StringBytes::Size(isolate, string, enc);

So StringBytes::Size() thinks the buffer is a certain size, but StringBytes::Write() disagrees or fails in some way. To confirm this hypothesis, Matt and I added a printf() before the realloc():

220 size_t actual = StringBytes::Write(isolate, data, length, string, enc);
221 CHECK(actual <= length);
223 if (actual < length) {
224   printf("actual: %u length: %u\n", actual, length);
225   data = static_cast<char*>(realloc(data, actual));
226   CHECK_NE(data, nullptr);
227 }

I deployed this custom Node.js build to staging, and soon saw crashes. The crashes were preceded by lines such as:

2015-10-17_19:22:45.89086 actual: 0 length: 11518

Yahtzee! We were on the right track. Now how could StringBytes::Write() return 0? We both suspected base64-encoded buffers. Delving into string_bytes.cc, we saw that StringBytes::Size() called base64_decoded_size(), which called base64_decoded_size_fast(), which basically returned length / 4 * 3.[2] At no point did any of these methods check for valid base64 encoded data. They didn’t strip whitespace or invalid characters. They just multiplied by 0.75.

It was a different story for StringBytes::Write(). That function called base64_decode(), which called base64_decode_fast(), which could return early with invalid base64 data. In that case, base64_decode() falls back to calling base64_decode_slow(). Let’s take a look at that function, which starts at line 167 of string_bytes.cc:

167 template <typename TypeName>
168 size_t base64_decode_slow(char* dst, size_t dstlen,
169                           const TypeName* src, size_t srclen) {
170   uint8_t hi;
171   uint8_t lo;
172   size_t i = 0;
173   size_t k = 0;
174   for (;;) {
175 #define V(expr)                                             \
176     while (i < srclen) {                                    \
177       const uint8_t c = src[i];                             \
178       lo = unbase64\(c\);                                     \
179       i += 1;                                               \
180       if (lo < 64)                                          \
181         break;  /\* Legal character. \*/                      \
182       if (c == '=')                                         \
183         return k;                                           \
184     }                                                       \
185     expr;                                                   \
186     if (i >= srclen)                                        \
187       return k;                                             \
188     if (k >= dstlen)                                        \
189       return k;                                             \
190     hi = lo;
191     V(/* Nothing. */);
192     V(dst[k++] = ((hi & 0x3F) << 2) | ((lo & 0x30) >> 4));
193     V(dst[k++] = ((hi & 0x0F) << 4) | ((lo & 0x3C) >> 2));
194     V(dst[k++] = ((hi & 0x03) << 6) | ((lo & 0x3F) >> 0));
195 #undef V
196   }
198 }

This macro-fied code may be a little hard to follow, but the behavior we care about is straightforward. Look at lines 182 and 183. Any “=” in the data causes the function to return early. It doesn’t matter if src is a megabyte. If the first character is “=”, k is still zero when line 183 is hit. Once we figured that out, it wasn’t too hard to reproduce the issue in a line of JavaScript. Try this with Node.js (or io.js) from v3.0.0 to v4.2.1:

ggreer@lithium:~% node
> new Buffer("=" + new Array(10000).join("A"), "base64");
node: ../src/node_buffer.cc:225: v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Object> node::Buffer::New(v8::Isolate*, v8::Local<v8::String>, node::encoding): Assertion `(data) != (nullptr)' failed.
zsh: abort (core dumped)  node

Armed with a one-liner crash, I reported the issue and described how I thought it was breaking. It only took a day for Ben Noordhuis to fix the bug in master. Node.js v4.2.2 and v5.0.0 shipped with the fix. Mission accomplished!

Except… we didn’t answer some important questions: Where was this invalid base64 coming from? Why was our back-end service processing it? Those answers are in the next post.

Thanks to Matt Kaniaris, Ben Noordhuis, and the rest of the Node.js team for their help.

  1. Even when a process asks for more memory than is available, modern OSes return a usable pointer. Only when the memory is accessed will the OS jump into action and free memory by killing processes.

  2. Why length / 4 * 3 instead of length * 0.75 or (length * 3) / 4? This is C++, so the former requires a type conversion to float or double, followed by rounding. The latter could overflow if length is greater than SIZE_MAX / 3.

About the Author

I’m Geoff Greer, CEO & co-founder of Floobits.

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